Thank you for choosing to support Mishpucha!
Your tax deductible gift will allow Mishpucha to meet the continuously rising demand for Mishpucha programs. We hope to offer more local programs and events throughout the Northeast that cultivate community hubs for Russian-speaking Jews defined by passion for adventure, culture, Russian language, Jewish values, and learning. As part of our mission, we insist on keeping ticket costs low and affordable for any and all of our programs.
Any meaningful gift would help Mishpucha work towards a sustainable post-Soviet American Jewish community, serving every child, teen, adult, and family, as we navigate each new stage of life.
Your tax deductible gift will allow Mishpucha to meet the continuously rising demand for Mishpucha programs. We hope to offer more local programs and events throughout the Northeast that cultivate community hubs for Russian-speaking Jews defined by passion for adventure, culture, Russian language, Jewish values, and learning. As part of our mission, we insist on keeping ticket costs low and affordable for any and all of our programs.
Any meaningful gift would help Mishpucha work towards a sustainable post-Soviet American Jewish community, serving every child, teen, adult, and family, as we navigate each new stage of life.
Mishpucha a NY Nonprofit Corporation is a federally tax-exempt 501(c) 3 organization.
Your donation will be tax deductible to the full legal extent.
Mishpucha a NY Nonprofit Corporation is a federally tax-exempt 501(c) 3 organization.
Your donation will be tax deductible to the full legal extent.